How can I get daily (instead of weekly) alerts on emails quarantined by the SPAM filter?

When PSMail’s SPAM filter identifies a problem message, it does not completely delete it right away. Instead, it removes it from your inbox and “quarantines” it, keeping it safe and harmless until you can confirm that it is indeed SPAM. This prevents important messages that are accidentally identified as SPAM from being inadvertantly deleted.

On a weekly basis, PSMail automatically sends each user a Weekly Digest that shows all the messages that have been quarantined. Some users, however, especially those who choose to set a very low SPAM tolerance level, might prefer to get this Digest on a daily basis, since the increased sensitivity of their SPAM filter may catch more legitimate emails. The following steps enable you to change your settings in order to receive this Daily Digest. For questions concerning the settings of your SPAM control itself, please visit our FAQ article on managing your SPAM.

Step 1: Login to your PSMail account.

Step 2: Go to Manage Account. NOTE: You must actually click on Manage Account rather than just expanding it by clicking the + sign.

Step 3: A Manage Account Options page will open. Underneath the link to SPAM Control you will see a separate link: Daily SPAM Digest. Click this.

Step 4: Check the box next to Enable daily digest of spam emails. Then click Update.

You’re finished!

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